Sunday, March 29, 2020

What Is The Santa Barbara Computer Tutor Program?

What Is The Santa Barbara Computer Tutor Program?Santa Barbara Computer Tutor Program is the solution for a child who struggles to learn how to use the computer. The program has been created to help out the millions of children in need of a good program. But before you get on to the program, you should do some research on it and what it is about. This will help you make an informed decision.When you want to know more about Santa Barbara Computer Tutor Program, you first have to find a good review. Go online and take a look at some of the results. You will get to read about all the advantages that you get by using the program. They are both good and bad. So it is up to you whether you want to find out about the good or the bad sides of the program.The Santa Barbara Computer Tutor Program has a very good interface. The user can easily navigate through the entire program and is provided with all the necessary information that you need. It will be easy for you to teach your child as well as monitor the progress of your child. The system will provide you with the best possible instruction for your child to learn how to use the computer. This program is being developed from scratch, so there is no doubt that it is going to be of high quality.There are a lot of benefits that you will get for your child if he/she is enrolled in the program. First, you will be getting the fastest results. This means that you can monitor the progress of your child much faster than with the traditional method. If your child struggles with the computer, then this will certainly help out a lot.The Santa Barbara Computer Tutor Program is all about is making the teaching fun. All the elements that will be present in the program will be geared towards making it fun for your child. It will help them learn at their own pace without having to worry too much about how fast they are learning.You can also get a tutoring service if you prefer. The online tutor is the perfect solution for a student wh o struggles with the normal tutor. It will be the perfect solution for those who don't have the time to go and visit a tutor or those who don't have access to a computer and a tutor.And the online tutor is not at all expensive. You will only pay the amount that you would normally pay for a regular tutor at a school.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The importance of extracurricular activities

The importance of extracurricular activities There is a lot of pressure on children to succeed at school nowadays that sometimes extracurricular activities can fall by the wayside. However, there is a growing amount of evidence to indicate these activities are very important to a child's development. Social skills School groups can be rather cliquey so extracurricular activities provide an excellent platform for meeting new friends outside of school. More often than not shy children don't even notice that they have come out of their shell as they are so excited to get involved in something new. Professional skills Extracurricular activities can teach skills that are vital regardless of your age. Learning to cooperate and work together, especially in a team, is really important. A team is only as strong as the weakest player and children soon learn that they must work together to increase their chance of success. Hard work will also free up other opportunities they may not have had before, for example to be a team captain or leader. Existing school commitments can mean fitting in extracurricular activities is a juggling act. However, time management is a key skill for adult life so try to let your child organise their own timetable to fit in both. This will sit them in good stead for the future and will also help them to learn what to prioritise. Broadening horizons There are such a variety of clubs and interests out there that there is sure to be something to suit everyone. Joining a club with like-minded people can really open up their eyes to the possibilities that are out there. If your child has already decided on a possible career path, for example being a soldier, then becoming a cadet at the local group can really help affirm whether it is the career for them. If there's something that they are interested in but know little about then let them have a go. They may well find their new favourite hobby. And lastly... ... have fun! There's no point in making them join a club if they don't want to be there and aren't enjoying it. If you're stuck for inspiration then don't worry, we've outlined some ideas below: Join an arts club Join a sports club Join a debating team Learn to play a musical instrument Volunteer with a local charity

Tips for Taking the GRE

Tips for Taking the GRE What better way to study for the exam than to take a mock version of it? This is a great and not to mention free option to prepare yourself for the big day! There are plenty of online resources such as Princeton Review, Kaplan, 4Tests, and more, where practice tests are readily available. Even EST, the company that made the GRE, has a mock-up edition which can be easily downloaded free of charge. The EST test can be found here. These test questions cover a variety of topics including the three main categories: Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. All three of these will be covered on the practice exams which is an excellent gauge of how you will perform on the test. Your final result is an obvious but also helpful indicator of how you will score on the real exam. If completing a full test-run of the test isn’t exactly something that interests you, websites also have just the questions accessible. Some valuable sources include Peterson’s, Kaplan, Test Prep Review and more. As they say, practice makes perfect! 2. Vocabulary Flashcards   Remember that time back in middle school when you had to memorize every state and its capitol with your flashcards your teacher assigned you to make? Well as childish and pointless as they may seem, they do work. John Dunlosky of Kent State University and a variety of accomplished psychological scientists determined the best study methods in their latest study published in the Association for Psychological Science’s journal. As Dunlosky explains, “We wanted to take a comprehensive look at promising strategies now, in order to direct teachers, students and parents to the strategies that are effective, yet underused.” As he  and his team discovered, flashcards, the act of self-testing, is the most effective method besides studying over a distributed amount of time. 3. Rest and Relaxation   It may be easier said than done, but try to take care of yourself mentally while preparing for a stressful event such as taking an influential exam. It is essential to not become overwhelmed with stress and self-doubt. If you take time out of each day ahead of time to study with effective methods for a quality amount of time, then you have done all that you can do and there is no reason to worry or freak out. Take study breaks to ease your brain and continue to do activities that you enjoy. Although it may seem like the ‘norm’ do not try to cram in information last minute. Any information you attempt to cram will most likely go to your short-term memory and not your long-term memory. Remember to also take care of your body during this time. Make sure to be eating and eating well-balanced meals. Try to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night, especially the night before the GRE. Keep a positive attitude to complete your self-care portion of GRE study preparation. 4. Test Day You finally made it! The big day is here, so now what? Make sure to give yourself ample time to get to your test taking site if you are taking the test in person. It might be a smart idea to try driving to the place where the exam is being given a day early to get a grip of its surroundings and possible parking. The last thing you need to get in your way of the exam is frivolous things such as travel time. Try to arrive early just to ease any fears you might have about missing the test or arriving late. Bring a valid form of identification, maybe even two forms just in case! Bring a large water bottle and some energy packed snacks to help keep your focus. Try some healthy snacks such as fruit bars, trail mix, and more. During the short breaks in between sections be active and stretch your body out. Get that blood pumping and oxygen flowing in order to keep your brain going! I hope I helped make you feel less stressed for your upcoming exam Make sure to keep these study tips and tricks in mind when the time comes for you to take the GRE! I wish you the best of luck with your exam! I know you will crush it!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Adulting FTW 3 Reasons Why Adults Are Superior Language Learners

Adulting FTW 3 Reasons Why Adults Are Superior Language Learners 3 Reasons Why Adults Are Superior Language Learners Kids are great language learners, no question.You drop ‘em down in a foreign country, and the adults around them just enviously watch as they  soak in their new linguistic environment.  Before you know it, those kids are throwing around complex grammatical patterns that adults just can’t seem to wrap their heads around.Its sobering, isnt it?Except this isn’t how it happens at all.In fact, kids are pressured to learn languages well, tooâ€"the adults around them have unyielding expectations, and their peers certainly won’t let mistakes creep in unnoticed (lest we forget the cruelty of the grade school social hierarchy). Plus, they need to communicate to have their basic needs and wants met, as theyre dependent on adults to provide for them.Adults have the privilege of acting without these pressures, and that’s incredibly freeing. The only reason why adults seem to struggle isâ€"wait for itâ€"the  learning methods they choose. Once adults learn to harness their adult human abi lities, they run circles around children when it comes to language acquisition.Still don’t believe me? Here are three reasons why adults are way better language learners than kids!3 Reasons Why Adults Are Superior Language Learners1. Adults already know at least one languageAdults don’t realize that they have a wealth of independent language knowledge that they can tap into. Children are facing the world for the first timeâ€"they have to parse through thousands of new concepts along with new vocabulary.Children  learn their first language in a vacuum, and thats  not  very efficient.Luckily, this isn’t the case for adult learners! Adults are familiar with abstract concepts and advanced vocabulary in their native languages. Adults have some measure of education, and have tens of thousands of hours of experience communicating with people and solving problems. They already know how to buckle down and study, how to discover the best language learning strategies and how to track dow n all the resources they need. And that’s where the advantage lies!You can find resources you love because you have access to the world. The ability to find and use native resources to learn a second language is only possible  because you know a first language and because youre familiar with concepts kids hardly understand.You can milk this for all it’s worth when you take advantage of native resources like movies, TV  and music. If you’re learning a language related to your native language, you can take advantage of cognates and related grammatical concepts in ways kids just can’t.Even if you’re learning a completely unrelated language, you can leverage your adult knowledge of human nature while watching TV and movies. The visuals provide the context you need, and you can guess at the meaning of the language involved.2. Adults can readThis skill is totally underestimated when adults evaluate their language learning skills compared to kids. You might be thinking, sure, I c an read, but memorizing all those grammar tables sure didn’t do me any good in school.How about thisâ€"notice how toddlers need a huge number of repetitions to remember new words, phrases and grammar? We tend to gloss over these toddler mistakes in our minds. They’re kids, and they’re just talking like kids! Nevertheless, the way toddlers learn, through audio input and body language alone, is woefully inefficient. Grade school lessons on how to read and write cant come fast enough. Once they make those leaps in skill development, they start learning much more about the world around them.Reading, on the other hand, allows us to get those repetitions in relatively quickly and painlessly. Meanwhile, the littlest learners  cant just pick up a book or a pen and get to practicing.Sure, textbooks and grammar reference books are one way to leverage this ability to read, but I recommend homemade flashcards and word lists, especially if youre a visual learner. Writing down a word when y ou learn it cements it better in your mind.The best way to take advantage of your literacy skills is with a Spaced Repetition System (SRS). SRS is a programmed system that uses an algorithm based on human memory and how quickly individuals forget items they wish to learn. One way to use this is to  create flashcards with foreign words or sentences on the front, and translations on the back in your native tongueâ€"or even a definition written out in the foreign language. If you test poorly on the card, the program gives it back to you immediately. If you think the cards easy and nail the correct answer right away each time, the card comes back in increasingly longer periods of time as you do your repetitions.FluentU uses a one-of-a-kind SRS. Thats because  FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. These real-world videos then become part of your flashcard experience. Yup, there are multimedia flashcards there to improve your overall vocabulary retention with tons of great, interactive content.There are other independent flashcard resources like the well-known  Anki  program, so you can try out different programs and see what you like!  As for content, choose words that are exciting and essential to you.If you’re feeling very adventurous, the All Japanese All The Time immersion method has learners entering whole sentences  into flashcards.  With all the repetition youre going to get, you  end up learning grammar alongside vocab items.  Cool!Finally, trusty old vocab lists are a tried and true method of mine. It’s as simple as choosing specialized vocabulary that you want to learn, preferably in a certain field or family of words. I use Fluent Forever author Gabriel Wymer’s method of listmakingâ€"creating a basic word bank of several hundred words. FluentU has everything you need to create your own thematic, neatly-organized word lists and study them using the SRS, so you can jump right into this method whenever you want!3. Adults have the ability to learn how to learnThis is probably the most important point here. Think about it: Kids generally have no control over their lives or the way they learn, whether in school or otherwise.Kids learning a second language through immersion also dont get much choice in the matter. They move to the countries their parents pick and go to the schools their parents send them to. They succeed, sure, but there’s a lot of unnecessary anxiety and pressure that I’m sure you really don’t want to deal with.And you don’t have to! You have control over how you learn, and more importantly, you can choose to learn how you want to learn. Keeping up the fun improves your motivation and attitude, and that  helps you learn faster and retain more than an unmotivated kid ever could.For example, native Japanese students living in Japan learn the 2042 jouyou kanji (essential Japanese characters) al l the way through high school. That’s about 12 long  years of formal instruction and memorizing characters. Its no wonder the Japanese writing system has such a strong  reputation for being difficult to learn. But these native students are mainly using rote memorizationâ€"or at the very least theyre at the whim of their teachers teaching and learning strategiesâ€"which isn’t always the best way to learn things for every individual.If you’re a Japanese learner and feel so inclined, you can purchase  Heisig’s Remembering the Kanji, and store those characters  away in a fraction of the time it takes for a Japanese kid. James Heisig invented an innovative way to memorize kanji thats great for almost anyone learning as an adult. He uses mnemonic devices and fanciful stories to help you remember each portion of each character. I’ve used the method myselfâ€"soon you end up seeing pictures and stories instead of incomprehensible squiggles, and voilá, memorization! You don’t hav e to be a genius, you don’t have to have talent. Youve  just got to recognize that youre an adult who can recognize a better way of doing things when you see one!This same principle works well for learning any language. It all comes down to curiosity, control and figuring out when something isn’t working. Don’t like the textbook you have? Try  a new one! Don’t like using that deck of flashcards, or don’t think it’s working for you? Experiment with word lists or media-based immersion!For a bridge between learner-oriented and authentic media immersion, check out polyglot Olly Richards  Grammar Hero (all about the building blocks), Conversations (for fast fluency) or the Uncovered courses (targeting specific languages including Spanish, French, German and Italian.)You can also keep yourself motivated and accountable with your adult sense of self-awareness. You know youll need deadlines to make big strides in learning and measure your overall progress, so set goals for yours elf.Long-term goals, or where you want to be in several months or a year, are great for keeping your eye on the prize. Short-term goals, like daily or weekly tasks, help you concentrate on the little habits that will get you where you want to be. For example, when I was learning Spanish, I set a one year  goal to be able to read mainstream  novels  and understand radio in Spanish. And then I committed to doing SRS reps and listening to Spanish podcasts for set amounts of time each day.Work on your productivity skills with time-boxing, yet another learnable way to conquer procrastination and achieve huge goals. Time-boxing was first popular in tech fields, but its a time management technique proven to get people moving on big projects again and again. Basically, its breaking down your big task into manageable bites using timers to create time-boxes.Lets say you want to work on some textbook lessons, but youre having a hard time getting yourself moving. Well, set a 20-minute timer, an d decide to stick with that time period no matter what! At the very least, youll get 20 minutes of work done. However, a likely outcome is that, once the ball is rolling, youll be engrossed with your studies and keep moving for some time even  after the timer has run out. After you complete one time-box, reset the timer and try for another one after a small break.You can do this with listening to radio, watching portions of a movie or reading material in your target language. Youre turning an unfathomable project into a game that you can win! And if 20 or 30 minutes  still seems daunting, you might try even shorter time-boxesâ€"10 minutes, 5 minutes or even 1 minute. Anything to get trick your brain into thinking the task isnt  really  that big.All of this fine-tuned organization, planning, goal-setting and method selection simply cant be matched by children. This is something that you have the power to do because youre an adult. Three cheers for being a grown up!Kids might thrive i n their controlled environments, but adults have the advantage of freedom over their own lives. They have life experience and prior knowledge. With freedom and curiosity, they can leverage this  experience and knowledge to achieve goals kids can’t even fathom.So don’t beat yourself up for not having learned a second language when you were in diapers.You’re never too old!

Tutoring Online Jobs - Easy Ways to Earn Money With Your Online Class

Tutoring Online Jobs - Easy Ways to Earn Money With Your Online ClassTutoring online jobs are becoming increasingly popular. Their growing popularity is due to the fact that many individuals who are seeking employment are looking for opportunities to boost their skills and learn new skills while doing so. The online tutoring jobs offer a way for individuals to work at home, from the comfort of their own home and to earn a living while learning a new skill. The success of the online tutoring jobs depends on the individual who participates in the tutoring sessions.There are a variety of different programs available in the market. Some tutors will teach one subject at a time and others will offer a specific lesson. Some will teach different subjects and then move on to a more advanced subject.Tutoring online jobs are ideal for those people who want to have more responsibility and they don't want to share a large amount of their time. The individuals who do not have much free time and/or those individuals that are very busy often find that tutoring online jobs are a very good choice. These tutors can offer clients the chance to learn more at home or at a more advanced level, making it more convenient and less time consuming.Individuals can earn a salary while tutoring online jobs. In addition, a tutor can earn money as their student's advisor. Advisors will provide advice on what would be best for the student in a particular situation. This will result in a much higher rate of pay.Tutoring online jobs can also be done by offering lectures. Students who learn better when lecturers offer an in-depth explanation of their learning abilities are more likely to stay focused when class assignments are given out. Tutors that use a more lecture-like approach, are more likely to achieve excellent results in their students' lessons.A tutor can work from home, using their own computer to give online tutorials and interactive classes. They can communicate with the students by e mail, chat, and even telephone. They can also work with students who prefer to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.Individuals can obtain tutoring through different ways. Tutors can hire students, look for people who are willing to work from home, and use other techniques. They can all work together to make tutoring online jobs an even more viable option for the individuals who wish to earn money while learning new skills.

Is Home Study Chemistry Different From Online Chemistry?

Is Home Study Chemistry Different From Online Chemistry?Home study has been one of the most successful methods of offering a university education to the students. They are very popular, and the new internet-based colleges and universities have also caught the eye of many students who are willing to know more about this course. It is true that there are other home study programs, but it is necessary to note that there are only those schools and programs that are legitimate and can offer the quality home study materials and that are scientifically sound. Most of the online schools are not interested in providing quality studies for the students because they do not have enough resources or knowledge to provide a well-rounded education.The first thing that one must understand is that it is important to know that in order to gain the degree, one has to be ready to work hard. As said earlier, if one's interest is just to attain a bachelor's degree then he has to dedicate more time than tho se who seek higher degrees in chemistry. This is the reason why it is recommended that you should think about the amount of time that you want to devote towards your studies.One of the reasons why students have joined the home study programs is that they have decided to learn chemistry in their spare time and do not have time to prepare or attend classes. This is because most of them have other priorities such as their studies and family life, and they need some extra time for themselves.Chemistry offers a whole world of learning and all the natural researches. The way that you study chemistry can also give you the necessary foundation that you need to understand what is happening in this subject.The student who does not find the time to study at home will have to go out and earn some money and earn a career while also attending classes. This is why it is best that he should start preparing for his exams soon so that he will not have to worry about what to do and how to do it when t he day comes. Also, the common question of 'why not work full time?' can easily be answered by saying that a career as a chemist has great potentials in terms of earning more money and advancing into a much better job than before.With the rising demand of these courses, more future students are now opting for it. Students want to be with the modern day's lifestyle, where technology and electronics are now part of everyday life.Furthermore, the main reason why many of the students prefer chemistry is that they are learning to interact with the people who are related to them. They are also able to develop good personal relationships through this course and this is very important since people who are having to do more work on their own cannot be the ones to spend too much time at home.

The Best Tip for Traveling to Spain Isnt What Youd Expect

The Best Tip for Traveling to Spain Isnt What Youd Expect Suzy S. Planning a trip to Spain? Theres so much to explore and see! And if youre on a budget, you can still have an amazing experience. Learn more in this guest post by Carmichael, CA Spanish tutor  Joan B... Are you planning a trip to Spain? Whether you want to cross the must-see destinations off your bucket list, or get off the beaten path and check out some of the hidden gems in Spain, there is so much to explore. Moreover, there are tons of websites out there devoted to offering tips, hacks, and recommendations for making the most of your trip and sticking to your budget. But outside of doing your due diligence to find the cheapest (yet still reputable) hotels, do you know the simplest travel hack of all? This one thing can help you save money in Spain, while helping you have the best experience possible. That trick? Actually learning Spanish!  While you can certainly get by finding tour guides and translators who speak English, a lot can be said for learning the language of the locals. Keep reading to learn all the ways that Spanish will enhance your experience and help you save money in Spain. 1. Impress the Locals Spaniards are fiercely proud of their language, and showing them that you have an appreciation for the Spanish language and have worked to communicate with them in their mother tongue can make a huge difference. Whether its the local shopkeeper who throws in some extra goodies, the owner of a bed and breakfast who gives you a discount, or any other local merchant, you will find that simply by speaking Spanish, others are more likely to be helpful and give you a better deal. 2. Make New Friends When you can converse socially and make someone feel comfortable speaking to you in their language, you can develop long-lasting and meaningful friendships.  Building friendships with locals is one of the best travel tips for Spain, because it will allow you to experience a side of the country you might not otherwise see. They can recommend local places, set you up to stay with friends, and more. With this unparalleled cultural experience, you can save money at the same time! 3. Avoid Confusion at the Register When youre traveling, lots of transactions are made, big and small. Speaking Spanish is very useful in this case because not every clerk and merchant you encounter will speak English. And even if they do, confusion can still occur. Speaking Spanish will save you money because in addition to giving you the ability to read sign descriptions and prices, it will allow you to clear up potential confusion and make sure youre paying the actual price instead of an inflated one for tourists. A common place where this is useful is at the train station. Not every clerk speaks English, so speaking Spanish will ensure that you buy a ticket at the correct price, with the correct departure time and destination. An incorrect ticket can result in lost time and additional fees. SEE ALSO: The Most Common Spanish Phrases for Tourists 4. Stay on the Right Path Another thing that happens often when traveling is that you may rely on the advice and suggestions of people in the street, whether its asking for directions or a suggestion for a cafe or restaurant. Whom you meet often determines where you go, and subsequently, how much you pay. Speaking Spanish ensures that locals can lead you away from overpriced tourist traps, and instead point you in the direction of cafes and restaurants that are frequented by locals. In addition, the act of conversing in Spanish instead of English means that the locals you encounter might be less likely to think of you as a typical tourist and recommend more authentic (and probably better-priced) options. 5. Bargain for a Great Price Bargaining is another area where speaking the native language will come in handy if youre visiting Spain on a budget. If you want to go to places like El Rastro in Madrid (a giant flea market) to pick up souvenirs and gifts, speaking Spanish will allow you to be a more compelling and effective bargainer. You will be taken more seriously and the merchants are  more likely to give you the price you want! Lodging is another point in traveling where cost matters. A common choice in Spain is a pension, a type of local and independent bed and breakfast. Because these are often run by a single person or a couple, you have a chance to interact with the owner. Speaking Spanish will quite possibly net you a lower price in addition to creating a stronger relationship with the person, which could lead to more individualized and customized recommendations for things to do and places to go. Additional Travel Tips for Spain Looking for more travel tips? We recommend checking out these guides: Nomadic Matts Spain Travel Guide Rick Steves Guide to Spain Travel + Leisures Spain Travel Guide Its clear that there are endless ways to save money in Spain by learning Spanish. Many of the problems that come along with being a tourist, such as price inflation, occur because of a lack of savviness. Speaking Spanish will make you a more informed and capable traveler, and it will be obvious to those with whom you interact, as well. So get started today! As you plan your trip to Spain, incorporate some Spanish lessons to make sure youve covered all the basics! Ready to brush up your Spanish? Find a tutor near you! Joan B. lives in  Carmichael, CA  and has been teaching high school Spanish for more than 18 years. A lover of language, she’s studied French, Arabic, and Italian and spent time living in Spain. Joan aims to help students improve on tests and increase their conversational ability when traveling to Spanish-speaking countries.  Learn more about Joan here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Clark Kim Kays

A Guide to Observational Drawing

A Guide to Observational Drawing Observational Still Life  Drawing ChaptersWhat is Observational Drawing?The Right Brain’s Role in Realistic DrawingFollowing Step by Step Drawing InstructionsWhat Can Observational Drawing Do For You on a Personal Level?Observational drawing is a key part of learning to draw.It may not seem terribly interesting to draw a basket of fruit to practice your drawing skills, however, developing your sense of attention to detail is an essential step in mastering the basics if art!Realism in drawing involves a complex process, but this improves with practice.Faithfully reproducing an object with a pencil and paper involves carefully examining its characteristics to produce a portrait or landscape which looks realistic.Practicing realistic drawing exercises will give you a set of skills which are transferable to other types of drawing such as caricature and technical drawing.The Indian philosopher, Jiddu Krishnamurti, who was awarded the UN Peace Medal in 1984 said:The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest fo rm of intelligenceThis applies to observational drawing, which is all about observing without judgement and drawing what is in front of us, without getting carried away with our own ideas.This idea seems so simple; however, it may be more difficult than you think.Let’s take children’s young brains as an example, as they are less developed than the adult brain and are lacking in their capacity for detailed observation.If they’re given an object or scene to reproduce, children will tend away from drawing what they see, and choose to rely on what they already know. For instance, they may draw four wheels on a car, even if they can only see two, because they know that cars have four wheels.And the same goes for the left brain!The left brain has a lot of experience with real life and will, therefore, analyse visual perception rather than taking it as it is, producing an unfaithful picture which favours logic over reality.In order to truly learn how to effectively produce a realisti c drawing, you must force yourself to view things with a fresh pair of eyes, forgetting everything you’ve learnt so that it doesn’t inhibit your ability to take reality as you see it. The precision you achieve with life drawing will be very useful if you decide to go into the field of technical drawing.When training your eye, you only need a few drawing materials: paper, a pencil, pen and ink, a paintbrush or oil pastel.Following Step by Step Drawing InstructionsObservational freehand sketching happens in several steps.The two main ones are always the same:General contour of the object to be drawn using simple shapesAdding detailsRealistic drawing is all about working within a frame whilst respecting the proportions of the object and your perspective as an artist.For this reason, you must have made a final decision on what you want to draw before you begin drawing (objects should not be added in afterwards).Once you have traced your first outline of the object, you need to check that you have conformed to the rules of perspective, proportion and orientation.Working on Your Observational SkillsOnce you’ve finished the first step and you are happy with your contour drawing, you can begin to focus on the details of the object.Each individual element should be closely examined and compared with the other details that surround it.This kind of work requires the artist to have a good knowledge of drawing techniques and different ways of achieving realistic art. Drawing from life will help you advance in other techniques as well. A good caricaturist needs to understand how the human body works so it still looks recongnisable when it is distorted.If you would like to work on your ability to produce realistic work, you’ll need to practice working with different textures, and practicing your shading techniques to create depth within a picture as well as using negative space.When learning to draw, even easy practical exercises will help you develop a good sense of observation.Here are a few starting points:Draw without looking at the paper: This works on the principle that your hand should be an extension of your eye. So, tape your drawing paper or sketchbook to the table and have a go at drawing something in front of you!Invert your image: This technique helps to train the right brain. Choose an object, but reproduce it as if you’re seeing a mirror image. This helps you to disconnect your left brain from the drawing process and focus on what is in front of you.Practice drawing complex details: This is how you overcome artist’s block in your projects. Instead of drawing an arm attached to a body, just draw the shoulder on its own.Drawing What You Don’t SeeDon’t worry, this isn’t going to contradict everything that has just been said, even if it seems a little paradoxical. In order to draw what you see, you’ll also need to draw what you don’t see, at least upon your first glance.In observational drawing, looking at three dimensi onal objects requires a mastery of perspective, depth, proportion and line drawing.This is why it is essential to bear in mind the things that are hidden behind your object to produce a drawing that is faithful to real life.Let’s look at an example. You are tasked with drawing a person in front of a bookcase. If you focus on what you see, you’ll only draw one part of the furniture.The risk is that if you don’t look at the bookcase in its entirety, its shelves may not be perfectly aligned, and the drawing will become less realistic.Take the wave pattern into account, even though it's 'not there' ¦ source: Pixabay - Dan_ParkEven though the final piece will only show the part of the bookcase you are able to see, its closeness to reality depends on your ability to use its hidden parts as a guide.The same goes when drawing a human figure.Is one part of their arm hidden? Then you’ll need to know how it is placed behind them to make the drawing realistic. In other words, the invis ible structure influences the final appearance.Mastering this aspect of drawing will help you advance in other drawing techniques as well - varying your techniques will always teach you something new.What Can Observational Drawing Do For You on a Personal Level?Observational drawing is a very interesting exercise, even for amateur artists. It gives you a means of developing certain skills, including:Controlling your movementDeveloping observational skillsImproving capacity for concentrationRelaxingAs a hobby, it can also be particularly useful in day-to-day life. Realistic drawing is at the heart of a number of professions, such as:ScienceIllustration and digital drawingDesignArchitecturePortraiturePhotographyCaricature drawingSatirical drawingTechnical drawingThe skills you gain through your drawing lessons are many and varied, and can be transferred to many areas.They say practice makes perfect, and this is definitely true for drawing, and teaches you to take your time.Before you become a master, you need to be patient and work on your skills. Observational drawing may seem incredibly difficult, but it will set you up for success when it comes to other areas such as cartooning and impressionism.If you want to look at the art of drawing in detail, why not experiment with new techniques and tools?Use graphite pencil, colored pencils, watercolor paints, drawing software, charcoal pencil… the list is endless! Through experimentation, you’ll be able to find your style and the materials which suit you best.Find tutors all over the UK available for drawing lessons on Superprof:drawing lessons for kidsdrawing lessons onlinedrawing lessons for beginners

How To Prep For The ACT English Section

How To Prep For The ACT English Section ACT English: 75 questions in 45 minutes First off: dont panic. You dont have to memorize every last bit of English grammar in the world. That would take far too long and be confusing in the long run. Rather, break down your knowledge in several sections and strategies that will help you score the best you can. You may also want to consider taking a few ACT practice testsor reviewing aprep bookto help you prepare. Punctuation - Semi-colons: Used like periods in that they separate two complete sentences. The only catch is that these sentences should be related to each other. The most important part here is that there must be a complete sentence on either side of the semi-colon. - Commas: A comma is used to separate a complete and incomplete thought. Unless, the comma goes before a conjunction. Use the device F(or)A(nd)N(or)B(ut)O(r)Y(et)S(o) here. Example: The dinosaur ran down the street, and it terrified everyone. There is a comma before the conjunction, so either side of the word and must be a complete sentence. If you do not see a FANBOYS word there MUST be a complete and incomplete clause on either side of the comma. - Apostrophes: Are used to show possession. For a singular noun, the apostrophe goes before the s. For a plural noun, the apostrophe goes after. Singular: The girls book. Plural: The girls books. - Its/its: Different than the typical way to use an apostrophe. Its: it is Its: shows possession, something belongs to it Its: NOT A WORD. Dont use ever. Concise One of the things the ACT tests is which answer is not only correct but also the most concise. When two of the choices are wordier than the other two, immediately get suspicious. If the two long choices sound right and the short one sounds right, then choose the short one. Whenever fewer words will do, that will be the right answer. The longer answers might be technically correct, but going concise is the better option! Rhetorical Questions These questions ask if a sentence should be added to an essay, or a sentence should be taken out, or how the sentences should be ordered. For rhetorical questions, try to analyze what you think the answer is before looking at the answer choices. With two yes and two no options, decide first if the answer is yes or no and then ignore the two choices that do not match your decision. If asked about the main idea, determine the main idea before looking at the answer choices, otherwise the choices might be confusing.